Our Expertise
At G.L. Watson & Co., we offer a range of services tailored to meet the needs of classic yacht owners. From designing and building new classics to purchasing and restoring historic vessels, our expertise is unmatched.
Client Journey
The journey to create or restore a classic yacht is one of collaboration, passion, and craftsmanship. At G.L. Watson & Co., we ensure that every step of the process reflects your aspirations and our expertise.
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What Our Clients Say
I hope you can take great satisfaction from the fact that our yacht would never have come about had it not been for your obsessive dedication to these sorts of vessels and the care and attention you lavished on every step of the journey. We are enormously grateful for all your contributions. We have a sense of what this restoration has come to mean for you.
– Confidential Client
She is beautiful, she sails like no other yacht. Perfectly balanced and with a beautiful motion. I can’t decide if I prefer helming her or just looking at her.
– Confidential Client
What you have done for our family in designing and supervising this incredible restoration is immeasurable. We are still discovering all the details and the joy of living on board. It is already life changing and we are so enjoying finding our sea legs. Now that we are cruising, we will miss our shipyard visits but treasure the memories of working with the G. L, Watson team to make all this come true.
– Confidential Client
We are really impressed by your award winning project.
– Henk De Vries – Feadship on Blue Bird
She is lovely looking and seems to be a marvellous restoration.
– Tom Perkins on Malahne.
Over the years, G.L. Watson & Co. has been honoured with numerous awards that recognise our contribution to the field of yacht design and restoration. These accolades are a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation.